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作者:泽民类风湿 最近编辑时间:2017-12-29 阅读:


Testimonial by Teresa Johnson
Mrs. Teresa Johnson, Female, diagnosed Rheumatoid Arthritis at 11/1/2015. Only 1 month, joints pain and swelling alleviated, able to walk without crutch

Come to Zemin RA LLC to appreciate Mr.Hu and do the testimonial
She said:
Before coming to Zemin Hu,RA LLC,I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis. The doctor prescribed pharmaceuticals, let I refused the chemical medications and began searching for Natural cure. I did a research and praise the most high that I discovered Zemin Hu clinic.
I was in severe pain every step I took. I wanted to cry. I was walking lent over and had to sit on the motorized cart when shopping
After only one month I drinking the Herbal tea, I am out of pain walking straight up without a cane. I highly recommend Zemin Hu
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验证码: 胡泽民中医类风湿医院-专业治疗类风湿、强直脊柱炎
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